My Design Thinking

When i actively choose to think positively, however, i turn the situation into a development plan for growth, helping myself become a better problem-solver and a leader, It’s the way I feel and think about myself, including my expectations and beliefs about what is possible to me. Over time and after reframing my mind to think positively about learning graphic design, I do feel to plan, create, and arrange to take on any challenge that comes my way. I started practicing graphic design in the year 2019 during the time of Covid-19, because we were told to sit at home doing nothing so I joined the whatsapp group to learn when I begin, I love what I am doing. While starting up my graphic design skills, I recommend looking outside to other design everywhere I go, when i see a good design, i save it and design it the exact way it was mind captures different concepts as I keep doing it. Good design’s not about what medium you’re working in. It’s about thinking hard about what...